中國浙江耀光紡織品有限公司 |
企業介紹 聯系方式 |
主 營: |
面料 |
產 品: |
常年提供T/R仿毛面料。適用于西裝、西褲、休閑、夾克。 |
公司介紹: |
本公司位于亞洲最大的紡織品集散地---浙江紹興中國輕紡城,專業從事服裝面料的開發、生產和銷售屬ISO9001:2000認證企業擁有自營進出口權。 公司采用一流的意大利劍桿、比利時噴氣織機等織造設備,全套韓國引進的后整理設備和技術成品經過嚴格的質檢規程,各項技術測試指標均達到GB/T和ISO指定標準,在此基礎上開拓紡織名牌甘為民族服裝工業的墊腳石,依托中國輕紡城強大的產品輻射能力及公司營銷人員的共同努力目前己和國內多家名牌服裝企業(諸如寧波的洛茲、太平鳥、唐鷹西褲。江蘇的紅豆,虎豹等)建立了長期的合作關系,并得到他們的一致好評,產品不僅行銷國內市場同時遠銷歐美及亞太地區。 公司主要產品有:T/R西服面料(這是公司的主導產品,適用于西裝、西褲、休閑、夾克等)、T/R彈力、休閑、全滌、全棉、滌棉混紡料等。產品在設計開發上緊跟國際流行趨勢,尤其注重采用新型原料,融入精湛工藝,色彩上大膽搭配,賦予了產品經典和時尚的現代氣息。 公司本著務實創新、精益求精的精神,愿與國內外企業精誠合作,熱烈歡迎各界朋友光臨指導洽談業務,讓耀光的明天放射出更亮麗的耀眼光芒! 如您有這方面的需求請與我聯系,我公司可以為您免費提供小樣卡供您和您的客戶參考。或者有您的客戶樣品我公司可以為您分析,報價甚至可以上機定織。您的滿意是我的最大愿望! 我的聯系地址:中國浙江耀光紡織品有限公司 馬永鋒 副總經理 中國輕紡城紹興柯橋金昌商務大樓906號 電話:+86-575-4131899 4128777 傳真:+86-575-4110656 手機:+86-013065769585
The company is located at Zhejiang Shaoxing China Textile City,the largest textile market in Asia.It is specially engaged in shell fabricdeveloping,producing and selling,and aslo,it passes the ISO9001 2000authentication and has independent import and export authority. The company adopts first-class weaving equipments such as Italy rapier loom,Belgium air-jet loom and so on,and imports whole after-arrangemente quipments from korea .Finished proud- ucts are under the strict quality control,All sorts of technology test indexes reach the GB/T and ISO standards assigned, at the base of which, the company develops the famous brand of textile and willingly becomes the stepping-stone of national clothing industry. With the strong radiation of china Textile City and joint efforts of the workers,At pesent,we have established the long-term''''s cooperation relation with the local farmous brand clo-thing enterprises.the company wins identical acclaims.the products not only sell in domestic market,but also export to Europe.America and the Asian-pacific rehions The company''''s main products are T/R suitings.T/R strech,casual,whole polyest- er ,whole cotton ,polyester cotton fabric and so on.the design adapts to the world trend .The company pays attention to new raw material,perfect craftsmanship and bold color-matching,which makes the proucts have classical and fashional smell.
In the spirits of pragmatication,the company sincerely wishing to corporate with enterprises demostic and abord ,invention and constantly improving.Welcome to the company to guide or make business relationships,and make the company radia-te brillianter rays tomorrow! shaoxing county yaoguang textile co.,ltd. add:no 906 jinchang business mansions,keqiao,shaoxing zhe jiang,china. tel:0086-575-4128777 4131899 fax:0086-575-4110656 http://www.china mobile:0086-13065769585 mayongfeng market dept.manager
地 區: |
浙江 紹興市 |
地 址: |
中國浙江紹興柯橋金昌商務大樓906號 |