石獅市鴻達(國際)貿易有限公司 |
企業介紹 聯系方式 |
主 營: |
面料 |
產 品: |
搖粒絨布,(Polar fleece),針織面料,(Knitting fabrics),服裝,(clothing) |
公司介紹: |
公司創始人盧文鍇先生1983年畢業于福建師范大學數學系,當過中學數學教師,到過尼日利亞,1990年開始從事商務工作,1992年創辦本公司。 本公司擁有針織廠、漂染廠和服裝廠等一條龍出口生產基地,生產銷售搖粒絨及各種服裝面料、輔料、運動服、童裝、夾克及各式服裝、鞋、玩具、化妝品和醫藥保健品等,代理進口紡織面料、針織機械及各種進出口貿易。 The president of the company, Mr.Weekley Lu, graduated from Fujian Teachers University, Fujian China. He did teaching work for several years. He went to do business in Nigeria in Africa during 1990-1992. Afterwards he set up the company in China. Our company mainly do the business relating to sell polar fleece, textile, knitting machine, clothing, sport suit, jacket, child dress, shoes, toys, electrical appliance, cosmetics, health product in China and I/E all kinds of products. |
地 區: |
福建 福建 |
地 址: |
362700,福建省石獅市獅仔山花園城16-403號 |